Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

There is not Reason, Why Do I Still Love You?

There is not Reason, Why Do I Still Love You Hi my princess?
How are you today?
I'm only want to say, I hope you can be healthy...

Sometimes you listen that I love you.. why?
Why do I LOVE YOU?
You're beautiful? No!
You're rich? Of course, No!
You're kind? No!

As a matter of fact, I don't know
why do I LOVE YOU?

That feeling love is only in my heart but i never want to know, why it been there? I want to ask someone but I think that it is not important. I just want to give you reason why it been there? Maybe it wants? maybe it likes? or maybe it cares? whatever you say... :-P

Whenever, I  always smile for you, you're always respond my smile. I'm smiling and you're seeing me? Is it love? I don't know. Now, It's time to take your achievement (not important :D)

Well, I have came to your home and look you with another man. I'm jealous. Do I don't love you? No! I'm like that because I do love you but is it love when you with him and like "something". I think, you can guess it what I mean?  Once again, is it answer for your question? why do I LOVE YOU? just guess it because I don't know.

I gave you some flowers when Valentine Day. I gave you some gifts when your birthday. I gave you surprised in special day. I asked you for dinner, breakfast, lunch, and whatever. Is it love? I don't know

I always care you when you not feeling fresh, I always attend when you need me. I always come to see your condition. I always try to make you happy when you feel sad. I always wipe your tears when you cry. I never forgot to pick you when you want to go something place. Is it love? I don't know

Saturday night. Whats going on with this night? I think, you know it. This night is a special night for someone who wants to hanging out with their girlfriend/boyfriend. Don't kiss your monitor :D. I'm like the other. I went to some places, like flower park? special restaurant? special cafe (it's same)? beach (you have to think about this)? or another place. Is it love? I don't know

I have written some sentences but there are not special quotes for answer your question. Why do I LOVE YOU? There is an answer. That is "I don't know". What did you mean? Thinking?

I have asked someone but they were only nodded. Not important.

Alright. It seem that. It is true. It is real. I just want to say "THERE IS NOT REASON FOR EXPLAIN WHY DO I LOVE YOU?" I Love You because that is our fate.

Related Story for Esai


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