Jumat, 13 Desember 2013

My Dream House

My Sketch is My soul
gambar sketsa

Really, I'm so excited because you make me so upset sometimes, oh no! This is about house who can stay in the beach or the mountain. I drew this sketch when night comes and I was alone, always like that. I incancerated myself and drew something.

My sketch is dwawn by my soul. I don't know why I draw like this but, do you know? I needn't a luxurious beautiful big house I need comfortable house. The house is not only for stay, sleep, or haven and after that I go out, go somewhere. Need happy family who can take me over. I know, if I go in my house, I just find some people laugh, cry, smile, and never seen me. They don't know me, don't know about what I do out.

Probably, some people suppose me that I'm always happy, never had sadness. I alway try to smile, laugh in cry. But, after I'm in my house. I don't know, but I think I'm alone, I don't have someone who cares me. Sometimes, I want to cry, scream, shout till they know I need them.

Justang Zealotous

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